Our Red Top Stakes for your survey work are a Painted white stake with a Red painted top. We offer 2 dimensions or weights at 30in long. Offered in Oak and Hardwood bundles but save with your pallet or skid purchase of our wooden Red Top survey stakes. Select from various sizes of our Red and White painted survey stakes.
- Lot Stakes Painted Red on Top have White body
- Multiple Lot stake sizes available for selection
- Bulk purchase Lot Stakes by the Pallet or bundle
- We have Red Top Stakes with a White Hardwood Body at different lengths
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Product | Weight |
2½” x ¾” x 30” Bundle of 21 Oak | 18.0 lb |
2½” x ¾” x 30” Full Pallet (42 Bundles x 21) Oak | 756.0 lb |
1” x 2” x 30” Bundle of 25 Hardwood | 22.0 lb |
1” x 2” x 30” Full Pallet (42 Bundles x 25) Hardwood | 924.0 lb |
1” x 3” x 30” Bundle of 15 Hardwood | 30.0 lb |
1” x 3” x 30” Full Pallet (42 Bundles x 15) Hardwood | 1260.0 lb |
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